August 8-10 , 1995


“I am just sitting here at 5:40pm while Krissie sleeps. Wow! God’s hand has been in this thing from the start. We got here at 9am and went to the lab to get a urine specimen and blood tests. She gave a urine specimen, which was no ‘small’ miracle, and then they took about 5 vials of blood. We then went straight over to EEG across the street and expected to have her be given chlorohydrate to get her to sleep. Well, we were a little early and I held Krissie and she fell asleep naturally. She stayed asleep through the whole thing!! Now, if that isn’t the hand of the Lord! We then went to admissions and brought her up here to her room. The nurses took her ketone level, which is important to the workings of the diet, and found her to be “moderate” which is half of the way there. About ½ hour ago, I took it again and found it to be at the large level! PTL!!

Mark came with us which was our support! He stayed with Krissie while James took me to lunch around 3pm. We came back and shared our ‘Krissie story’ to everyone that came through the door. It always started out the same. ‘Did you know that we named Krissie before she was born? Her name means ‘pure anointed gift from God!’ ‘She was born on Good Friday and delivered by Dr. Easter! Now, God never makes mistakes!’

I gave her a ‘semi’ shampoo and got her ready for bed. She has drunk 235cc so far. She is allowed 640-800cc for every 24 hour period. That means I need to give her 5 more 4oz bottles before midnight. They wanted me to stop carbohydrates Monday but I stopped them Sunday. I think that has help further her ketosis better. God has been great! But then He always is! This afternoon I couldn’t believe that we were finally here. I have waited so long. We were supposed to have come last week but something happened with the med-i-cal and they put me off. They got approval from CCS and here we are. It’s called a dream come true!


August 10, 1995


This is Thursday night. Looking back over the last few days it seems odd to think that tomorrow we get to go home. Tuesday evening and all night through the next morning, Krissie threw up then dry heaved! It seemed like forever! I was concerned even though the nurses weren’t. I knew this was a normal thing. By Wednesday late in the morning, she stopped. She was able to have her first dose of eggnog*. Tuesday, I saw some myoclonic seizures but no grand mals. Wednesday she had 2 grand mals and some small ones. She ended up liking the eggnog mixture very well which was great because I found out she didn’t care for the diet sodas at all! I tried water with Sweet 10 and she did drink some of that. She slept well that night and I got about 5 hours of broken sleep. The first sleep since I’ve been here! Thursday morning arrived and with it an increase of eggnog mixture, doubled in volume. I added enough water to make about 120cc’s which Krissie loved but it went too fast. She didn’t like the water anymore! So I tried tea which she usually drinks at home, but she didn’t like it either! I had to squeeze the bottle so she would drink it. She had 5 bad seizures today. I started to get discouraged but rethinking it, I’m not now. The head nurse came in today and I asked her when they were going to change Krissies liquid medicine to pills as all medicine has to be pills because there is sugar in the liquid which she can’t have on this diet. Her face registered shock and horror and she said, “You mean they haven’t changed it already?! Shoot?!” and she left the room. A lot of changes have occurred in Krissies body and its going to take some time to get things adjusted. One thing I know…I’m in for the duration. I’ve met some wonderful people and I will miss the fellowship.

I praise God for these days. For working it out and I know that what He has begun here, He will perfect! Amen!!

*eggnog is a mixture of heavy cream, egg beaters, sweetener and oil mixed up with water and a touch of vanilla! It is what they start out on early in the diet. They eventually add food along with the eggnog. It is calculated and weighed out in grams.

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